Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year & January Business Meeting

The first Panama City ARC business meeting of 2011 is Wednesday January 5th at 7PM at the club house. We will set the course for 2011. Ideas for consideration are ham license classes, a spring tailgate, Field Day, and youth outreach events. A major focus is to increase membership as insurance costs may close the club house. So we are encouraging all local hams to join. The annual membership is $20 and the treasurer will sign you up at the meeting. We also solicit your ideas for operating events, fund raising and publicity. So see you there!

Greg Lane N4KGL
Incoming Club President

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

December Ham License Upgrades

Congratulations to Wayne Wilkes KD4EKC for passing the General and Extra tonight. Wayne also joined the club. Also congrats to Taylor Jones KE5ZNT who upgraded to General.

Great Job Guys!


2011 Club Ideas

Do you have a suggestions for publicity, fundraising, operating, or educational outreach for the club in 2011? If so you are welcome to use the contact form on the right column of this site to let us know? The first business meeting is Wednesday January 5th 2011.


Friday, December 10, 2010

I don't hear anything on 2 meters

Well you can hear the the Panama City ARC 2 Meter Net Mondays at 7 PM. Please check-in and join us. The net meets on the W4RYZ Panama City 145.210 repeater, minus offset and no tone.


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Would you like to take a ham test this month?

Please notify Gerald Quick AG4PZ by the 10th of the month if you wish to take an exam. See Gerald's contact info below.

Amateur Radio Exams by Panama City ARC
Third Wednesday of the month
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Location: Panama City ARC Clubhouse, 130 N Church Ave., Panama City, FL

Note: Those wishing to take the test should be present by 5:30 PM CT to complete necessary paperwork.

For more information contact Gerald Quick (AG4PZ) at or phone him at 850-769-0156 home or 850-596-9383 cell.

Friday, December 3, 2010

2011 Club Officers Approved

The following slate of club officers was approved at the December 1st 2010 Business meeting.
  • Pres. - Greg Lane N4KGL
  • Vice Pres. - Randy Folts N4RLF
  • Treasurer - Kenn Handschuh  KG4VQI
  • Secretary - Greg Morrison, KG4LFS
  • Sgt. At Arms - Charlie Lewis KF4JR
Thanks to the 2010 officers who served more than one term.
  • Pres. - William Page KF4JMM
  • Vice Pres. - Gerald Quick AG4PZ
  • Treasurer - Mary Page KF4KVM
  • Secretary - Greg Morrison, KG4LFS
  • Sgt. At Arms - Charlie Lewis KF4JR