The Panama City Amateur Radio Club is having an Open House on Saturday April 30th 10 AM until noon. We will have several types of stations on the air. These will include fixed HF, mobile HF, portable QRP and PSK-31. This open house will be a good time for prospective hams to visit and current hams to get on the air. Note the Florida QSO party will start at 11 AM. The location is at the Panama City Amateur Radio Clubhouse at 130 N. Church Ave Panama City, FL. Questions about this event can be sent to Greg Lane N4KGL at The club web site is
Wednesday May 4th is the next business meeting for the Panama City ARC. The location is at the Panama City Amateur Radio Clubhouse at 130 N. Church Ave Panama City, FL. All hams and those interested in amateur radio are welcome to attend. A regular membership to the club is $20.
The Panama City ARC will support the Gulf Coast Triathlon on May 7th. Our volunteers are Greg Morrison, Kenn Handschuh, Dick Agar, Greg Lane, Dale Everly and John Koltz. Henry Mc Clain is coordinating the effort.
The Panama City ARC will give a two day class for the technician amateur radio license. This will be at the Bay County EOC June 4th and June 11th. The test will be given at the end of the second day. Registration is required by May 21st. Email panamacityarc@gmail to register. The book 2010-2014 Technician Class by Gordon West, about $21, is required a week before class. The testing fee is $14.
Please help get the word out to potential new hams.
The Panama City ARC 2 Meter Net is on Mondays 7PM 145.210 no tone. All hams are welcome to check in.
Greg Lane N4KGL
Panama City ARC President