Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Panama City ARC Upcoming Events as of July 12 2011

The Panama City ARC had Field Day at the Bay County EOC on June 25/26th 2011. See the report here.

The Panama ARC will have a Ragchew Meeting Wednesday July 13th at 7PM (come by early if you like) at the PCARC club house 130 N Church Ave Panama City FL. This is a good time for new hams to get help with getting on the air.

There will be a amateur radio license test opportunity on July 20th at the club house. Contact Gerald Quick AG4PZ  ag4pz@comcast.net for info ASAP if you want to take a test.

Please have anyone interested in a two day Technician License Class August 6 & 13 in Panama City send an email to panamacityarc@gmail.com. There will need to be enough interest to setup the class.

The Milton FL Hamfest is July 22/23.  See details here. This is a great opportunity for new hams to shop for equipment.

The Central Florida D-STAR Group will hold a one day D-STAR Academy on July 30, 2011 at Lake Receptions in Mount Dora Florida. See details here.

Jason Charles passed on this announcement for Weather Spotter Classes: See:

The Panama City ARC 2 Meter Net is each Monday at 7PM 145.210 repeater (no tone). 

You can find more club info at w4ryz.org


Greg Lane
Panama City ARC President