Sunday, August 28, 2011

Ham License Exams and Classes

Panama City ARC has Technician classes several times a year. Let us know if you are interested. We use the textbook  Gordon West Technician Class 2010-2014. You also can study on your own and take the test. It is a good idea to use online tests like to practice and know when you are ready, 

Amateur Radio Exams by Panama City ARC
Third Wednesday of each month (5:30 pm - 7:00 pm)
Saturdays (by appointment only)
Location: Panama City ARC Clubhouse, 130 N Church Ave., Panama City, FL

Please notify Gary Bills AJ4KY by the second Wednesday of the month if you wish to take an exam. Those wishing to take the test should be present by 5:30 PM CT to complete the necessary paperwork. For more information, contact Gary (AJ4KY) at or at 850-747-9996.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Congrats to New Hams

Our Technician Class concluded on August 13th. We had six students in the class pass the technician test and an additional three that passed their technician at the test session. Plus Marv, KK4DKT, upgraded to general. Thanks to my fellow instructors Gary Bills, Jack Crusan, and Greg Morrison. Gary Bills also was the test coordinator. We were also assisted by Rick Gutknecht with the testing. Bill Peavy was at the first day but was unable to be there on the second. He will likely test soon.

Students passing tech : Left to right  Timothy Seaboch, Ron Downs, Robert Pelc, Bruce Morrison, Pat Baumann and Don Cornelius.

Passing tech left to right Amanda Pelc, Phil Radford and John Crusan

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Panama City ARC Upcoming Events as of August 2nd

The Panama City ARC will have the August Business Meeting 7 PM Wednesday August 3rd. The meeting will be at the club house at 130 N. Church Ave Panama City, FL. Anyone interested in amateur radio is welcome.

The club will have a two day Technician License Class on Aug 6th and Aug 13th at the club house. The test session is 2:30 on Aug 13th. This will also be an opportunity for those not in the class to take a license test or upgrade. The fee is $14 cash and bring a picture ID. If you are upgrading bring a copy of your current license. Gerald Quick AG4PZ is in charge of the testing.

The Panama City ARC 2 Meter Net meets weekly on Monday at 7PM. The frequency is 145.210, minus offset, no tone.

There has been a lot of gear and books donated to the club. We can't store them for long. So if there is anything that interests you, please take it home. Just let a club officer know. A minimal donation is requested.

Our web site is


Greg Lane
Panama City ARC President