Monday, March 19, 2012

Panama City ARC Tailgate April 14th

The Panama City Amateur Radio Club is sponsoring a tailgate on Saturday April 14th, 9 AM until 1 PM. Buy, sell or swap ham radio gear. Limited tables are available for $5 on a first come first serve basis. There will be raffle prizes and food is available. License testing at 1PM. Bring $14, picture ID and copy of license if upgrading. The location is the Panama City Amateur Radio Club, 130 N. Church Ave Panama City, FL. The talk-in repeater is W4RYZ 145.210 minus no tone. Questions about this event can be sent to

Saturday, March 10, 2012

March 10th 2012 Lynn Haven FL Portable Ops

The Panama City ARC had a nice turn out for portable ops today a bay side park in Lynn Haven FL. Marv KK4DKT had his brand new FT-897 hooked to his Buddipole. Marv's Daughter Syndney make her first contact. It was to WB0YYE out of Nebraska. Marv  worked W9VCL out of Wisconsin. The 20 meter band was not in very good shape. Greg N4KGL worked QRP to three stations in Florida on 40 meters and then worked Texas and North Carolina on 20 meters. Bob Dunkin WB4BLX brought his Icom 706 and Icom AH-4 tuner and tested it out on Greg's Portable Inverted U antenna. He was able to transmit an email to Marv who had left via a Pactor gateway on 30 meters. Marv got the email. We were also joined by Kenn KG4VQI, Don KK4DWC, Ron KK4DWE, Tom KK4TLC, Dave W1EVG, and Travis AK4PP. We all enjoyed the sunshine. Enjoy the photos!