Our September two day Technician License class concluded on the 22nd. I am happy to report the entire class passed their test. The students were John Nienstedt, Jacque Carte', Carl Dunkin and Henry Lasher. They are also joining the club. The instructors were Don Cornelius KK4DWC, Greg Morrison KG4LFS, Gary Bills AJ4KY and Greg Lane N4KGL. The VEs were Jerry Rego KE7YG, Don Cornelius KK4DWC, Greg Lane N4KGL and test coordinator Gary Bills AJ4KY.The class also included a portable ops demo near the club house. Bob WB4BLX, Jim K4LIX, Marv KK4DKT and Greg N4KGL setup rigs. Thanks to all participants and looking forward to having four new hams in the club.
John Nienstedt, Jacque Carte', Carl Dunkin and Henry Lasher pass Tech exam |
Portable ops outside clubhouse |