There was a good gathering of Panama City ARC hams at the park in Lynn Haven, FL. Phil KK4DWI had a nice slinky dipole from a mast off his truck hitch. Bob WB4BLX had a VHF D-Star Capabilty through Vic K4GXV's Hot Spot. Steve N4VSP and Harold KF4YDO had mobiles. Don KK4DWV brought hisYaesu FT 450 to test. Marv KK4DKT brought his power supply because his rig is in the shop. N4KGL brought his KX3. Also in attendance was Johnnie KK4MHQ. Contacts included Port St Joe, Atlanta, Virginia and Mexico City. Join us for the next one. See more photos
Left to right Johnnie KK4MHQ, Phil KK4DWI, Greg N4KGL, Marv KK4DKT, Gary AJ4KY, Harold Kf4YDO, Photo by Bob WB4BLX |
Don KK4DWC, Phil KK4DWI and Johnnie KK4MHQ |