Thursday, June 30, 2016

The Panama City ARC participates in the 2016 ARRL Field Day

The Panama City Amateur Radio Club participated in the 2016 ARRL Field Day on June 25/26 at the Bay County Emergency Operations Center in Southport, Florida. Hundreds of contacts were made with other amateur radio stations in the United States and Canada. This demonstrates our capability to communicate without phones or internet should those service be unavailable due to a disaster situation. This was done in coordination with the Bay County Emergency Communication Director, Mr. Joby Smith. We also had a liaison with the local Red Cross.

This is an activity the club members enjoy. We were active on the air for the entire 24 hours of the event. Our radios were setup inside and outside of the EOC. A variety of antennas were outside in the parking lot and behind the building. The outside site station was operated entirely on batteries with the aid of solar panels. Messages were passed via radio with to the National Traffic System. We got some young people on the air. The public and media were invited. The Panama City News Herald did an excellent article on the event. An Amateur Radio Test Session was held and new amateur radio operators got on the air for the first time.

Our hobby offers many of educational, pastime and service opportunities. Contact the Panama City Amateur Radio Club at to learn more.

Click here for additional photos.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Panama City ARC hosts Amateur Radio Field Day on June 25th & 26th

The Panama City Amateur Radio Club will participate in ARRL Field Day on June 27/28 at the Bay County Emergency Operations Center 700 Highway 2300 Southport, FL. We will be having fun contacting as many Hams as possible operating with similar setups around the United States. However, this will also demonstrate a capability to support emergency communications should normal systems be unavailable. The operating hours are 1 PM Saturday to 1 PM Sunday. A good time for visitors is between 2PM and 6PM Saturday but you can come at anytime. We will have various radios and antennas to operate voice, digital and morse code. The general public is welcome and youth groups are encouraged to attend.

The Bay County Emergency Operations Center is on Highway 2300. However Highway 2300 will be closed for construction. Please use the detour using Highway 2302 West at Highway 77 in Southport, Florida and follow the signs to Highway 2300 then head East to the EOC/Gulf Coast State College North Campus.