Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Panama City ARC Clubhouse Holiday Schedule


I want to wish a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your families.
In addition, I want to let you know the clubhouse schedule for the next two weeks for the CW classes and club meetings.

There will Not be a CW class and the clubhouse will Not be open on the next two Tuesdays (Dec 24, 2019 and Dec 31, 2019).  The next CW class will be on Tuesday Jan 07, 2020.
There will Not be a club meeting and the clubhouse will Not be open on the next two Wednesdays (Dec 25, 2019 and Jan 01, 2020).  The next business meeting will be on Wednesday Jan 08, 2020.

Have a safe and joyous holiday season.

President PCARC

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the Panama City Amateur Radio Club!

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Amateur Radio Beginner's Academy

Panama City ARC will present talks for beginning hams during the year 2020. Our goal is to get you started in a great hobby. 

Dates: January 22nd and 29th 2020 at 6 PM after that the 
2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 6 PM. 

Location: Panama City ARC Clubhouse, 130 N Church Ave, 
Panama City, FL 

See updates on W4RYZ.org  
Send questions to panamacityarc@gmail.com