W4RYZ DMR Repeater
147.210 MHz +600 offset
Color Code: 1
Connected to TGIF DMR network
Timeslot(TS) 1: For linked talk groups.
Timeslot (TS) 2: TG9 local-only traffic (TG 9 is not passed to the network)
Please keep all networked traffic on TS1 so we can keep TS2 for local traffic (TG9) for those who do not want to talk on the linked network.
On Timeslot 1, check out TG850 for our local group. We have a net Mondays at 7:30pm central time on TG850, feel free to join us.
Another popular talk group is TG31665, the TGIF talk group. The Friday net is on TG31665 at 7:30 pm central time.
info via KK4DIV