The Panama City ARC Two Meter Net is on the W4RYZ 145.210 Repeater each Monday at 7PM. Note a round table usually starts on 28.4 MHz Upper Sideband after the two-meter net concludes.
The Bay County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) net is on the W4RYZ Repeater, 145.210 pl 100 Hz, at 7 PM on Thursdays except for the third Thursday.
The Northern Florida Phone Net (NFPN) meets seven evenings a week on about 3950 kHz at 1930 Eastern Time (1830 Central), the year-round, LSB as a regular part of ARRL's National Traffic System. Its primary purpose is to handle routine message traffic and to train net members and net control operators in message handling and net procedures.
The Northern Florida ARES Net meets Monday through Saturday at 8AM Central Time on 3.950 MHz LSB. New check-ins are welcome, and after three check-ins you will be added to the roll call.
The Northern Florida ARES Net handles National Traffic System Radiogram messages as a free service to the public and for emergency preparedness training.
The North Florida 6M AM Net meets Monday at 7:00 pm CST/8:00 pm EST on 50.400 MHZ from Marianna, Florida. I am on a directional antenna so please be patient and I will get around to your direction. I start out East and work counterclockwise. We are adding the opportunity to check in via Echo-Link for those that sometimes can't hear net control due to band conditions. The number is 438183. This is the W4BKD repeater in Marianna. K4KHV will be listening for anyone wishing to check in during the net tonight. W4ICU Alec
The South Coast Amateur Radio Service, popularly known as "South-Cars", or "SCARS" is a service net, (recognized by the ARRL), whose purpose is to assist those seeking to contact other amateur radio stations, or areas; to provide weather and travel information when needed and when available; to assist in emergencies. All amateur radio stations with a general class license or above are welcome. We do not handle formal traffic, but can and will in the event of an emergency. South-Cars is in operation every day of the year. Net times are 8 AM until 1 PM, all times are Eastern. Net operations are conducted on 7.251mhz (40 meters).
14.300 MHz has become a very well-known frequency in the Amateur Radio world. There are three major nets in the Western Hemisphere that operate on 14.300 MHz. From early morning until late evening the frequency is busy with the traffic of one form or another. Beginning at 0700 ET daily, The Intercon Net, formally know as The Intercontinental Amateur Traffic Net, starts out the day. Intercon runs until 1200 ET before handing the frequency over to The Maritime Mobile Service Network. The MMSN, which also runs daily, operates from 1200 ET until 9 PM EST / 10 PM EDT or 0200 UTC. After The MMSN raps up The Pacific Seafarers Net begins operation at 10 PM EST / 11PM EDT or 0300 UTC and runs various lengths of time, depending on traffic load, but usually about 2 hours or less.